Autism Research Infographics for Occupational Therapists Bundle


Included in this PDF bundle are 6 infographics related to autism and occupational therapy. The bundle includes 20+ research articles synthesized into easily digestible infographics.

Evidence-based topics you’ll receive: Sensory and movement experiences from the autistic perspective, interoception literature review, using a strength's-based approach, review of brushing programs, review of weighted blankets and vests, and neurodiversity-affirming practices.

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Included in this PDF bundle are 6 infographics related to autism and occupational therapy. The bundle includes 20+ research articles synthesized into easily digestible infographics.

Evidence-based topics you’ll receive: Sensory and movement experiences from the autistic perspective, interoception literature review, using a strength's-based approach, review of brushing programs, review of weighted blankets and vests, and neurodiversity-affirming practices.

Included in this PDF bundle are 6 infographics related to autism and occupational therapy. The bundle includes 20+ research articles synthesized into easily digestible infographics.

Evidence-based topics you’ll receive: Sensory and movement experiences from the autistic perspective, interoception literature review, using a strength's-based approach, review of brushing programs, review of weighted blankets and vests, and neurodiversity-affirming practices.

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