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Unique Ways to Share Your Research (plus an Infographic)

1. Podcast interview

Being interviewed on a podcast can reach a lot of people and support engagement with your research. As a podcast interviewee myself, I have been able to connect a lot of people together that share similar interests to support one another and network. People will listen to your podcast for years to come and over time it will reach a larger audience.

Tip: Search for podcasts that are where your stakeholders listen to seek out your research content area. Put yourself in their shoes.

2. Press release

This is a tried and true way to get your name out there. I used to work in public affairs and it was amazing how a small press release got the attention of so many people. 

Tip: A lot of universities can help you along with the steps needed to complete it! 

3. Website

I think this is by far my favorite and most likely a lot of stakeholders’ favorite way of digesting the information in a way that is engaging and also helps them learn a lot about the why who and what. 

Tip: Consider using templated websites like Wix or Squarespace.

4. Social media

Social media is where the majority of people will spend time looking for new and interesting topics. This is a great way to share what your research has found and to get it in front of the people that would be using it. 

Tip: Make sure it is visually appealing and easy to see in a small 1080x1080 square to fit a variety of platforms.

5. FB Groups

Thinking about your audience, there is most likely a FB group that is directly related to your research topic. This is a really effective way to reach a lot of people that have similar interests. 

Tip: Try to find them and reach out to the administrator or look at the rules to make sure what you are posting is within the guidelines.

6. Fact sheet

We have all seen a one-page fact sheet at the doctor’s office or hanging on a bulletin board. Don’t overlook this option as it provides a great way to get a lot of information out there. 

Tip: Try to use as much whitespace as possible and consider going electronic using a pdf attachment to an email

7. Infographics

I’m a bit biased on this one, but I’ve seen such great responses to infographics including that they provide clear, concise, and engaging information to a large audience of people. 

Tip: Google image search infographics for inspiration. There are so many ways to present information visually!

8. Storytelling through video

When people can see and hear who the researcher is behind the paper, they will be more willing to follow and engage with the topic. 

Tip: Use YouTube as it has the largest audience and it is super simple to set up!

9. Comic strips

This one might be a little out there but when done well it can be really compelling. It is similar to storytelling but allows the reader to follow along with the information quickly and can be easily shared to maximize the impact. 

Tip: You can combine video and comic strips with programs like Doodly

10. Make a quiz

Have you ever completed a quiz online? Most likely the answer is yes! These are super simple ways to engage your stakeholders and share information in a unique yet effective way.

Tip: There are a lot of quiz software platforms out there. Most likely you can find one for free but it might take some digging!

Other unique ideas:



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